Masuk Daftar

have the day artinya

contoh kalimat "have the day"
  • Have the days of darkness made you see the light, Rameses?
    Sudahkah hari-hari gelap membuatmu melihat terang, Ramses?
  • They didn't let you have the day off?
    Mereka tidak akan memberikanmu hari libur?
  • I have the day off, you see.
    Aku punya hari libur, kau tahu.
  • You have the day off today?
    Anda memiliki hari libur hari ini?
  • I have had the day from hell.
    Aku sangat sial hari ini.
  • I have the day off Monday but I'll take her Tuesday.
    Aku punya hari libur Senin tapi aku akan membawanya Selasa.
  • I finally have the day off.
    l akhirnya memiliki hari libur.
  • Thought you had the day off.
    Pikir Anda memiliki hari off.
  • You have the day off tomorrow?
    Kau ada waktu besok?
  • Figured you'd have the day off.
    Aku memikirkanmu sepanjang hari.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2